'Picture @ kubische-panorama.de'  

Preliminary Program - Schedule (provisional)

Day 1 - Monday 29th June

Day 2 - Tuesday 30th June

Day 3 - Wednesday 1st July

[8:00 - 8:45] Registration [9:00 - 11:00] Session 3:
New Nanomaterials and
Probes for Fluorescence
[9:00 - 10:30] Session 5:
Fluorescence In the
[8:45 - 9:00] Welcome [10:45 - 11:15] Coffee break
Poster session
Instruments demonstration
[10:30 - 11:00] Coffee break
Poster session
[9:00 - 11:00] Session 1:
Introduction to
Frontiers of Fluorescence
[11:15 - 12:00] Session 3 (cont'd)
New Nanomaterials and Probes for Fluorescence
[11:00 - 11:45] Session 6:
New Perspectives
In Fluorescence
[11:00 - 12:30] Coffee break
Poster session
Instruments demonstrations
& Hands-on session 1
[12:00 - 12:45] Hand-on session 3 [11:45 - 12:30] Talks session
[12:00 - 14:00] Lunch [12:45 - 14:15] Lunch [12:30 - 14:00] Lunch
[14:00 - 15:45] Session 2:
Time Resolved
Fluorescence and FRET
[14:15 - 15:15] Posters oral Presentation [14:00 - 15:00] Talks session
[15:45 - 17:30] Coffee break
Poster session
Instruments demonstration
& Hands-on session 2
[15:15 - 15:45] Coffee break
Poster session
[15:00 - 15:30] Coffee break
Poster session
[15:45 - 16:30 ] Hand-on session 4 [15:30 - 16:45] Instruments demonstraton
& Hands-on session 5
[16:30 - 17:30] Session 4:
& Oxygen Sensors
[16:45 - 17:00] Closing talk
[19:00] Gala dinner [17:00] End of the 2015 Fluorofest
Limited number of talks is available. Unselected talks could be presented as scientific poster during the posters sessions.